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Golden West Community College

 Golden West College

Technical Advanced Placement Process (for ROP/CTE High School Students)

1. *Student completes an articulated course at high school or ROP/CTE.

 2. During the semester the student takes the articulated course, student applies online to Coastline Community College at

3. Student receives Certificate of Completion (optional) and articulation packet from instructor containing:

• Technical Advanced Placement (TAP) Petition for Credit form(s)

• Department Portfolio Approval form (if required)

4. Student must meet with a Coastline Community College Counselor and have his/her Petition for Credit signed off by the Counselor. Counselor sends a copy of the Petition to the Career Services office.

5. Student presents copies of completed forms to Admissions and Records:

Technical Advanced Placement (TAP) Petition(s) for Credit, signed off by Counselor

• Official high school transcript

•  Department Portfolio Approval (if required)

 6 . The Admissions office processes the Technical Advanced Placement (TAP) Petition(s) for Credit.

7. Student contacts Admissions and Records Office to have credit posted on the official transcript when student has
     completed at least 12 units with a minimum 2.0 GPA with at least one course in the articulated pathway

* For students to be concurrently enrolled in high school and college they must complete the
High School Release Form.