Articulation Process
Students who have a signed completion certificate from their ROP/ High School teacher may be able to obtain college credit from Santa Ana College. This is accomplished by enrolling in the college within two years of completing the course and following the procedures below.
- Bring your Completion of Articulated Course form signed by your ROP/High School instructor and your high school transcript to the following office:
Parking: visitor parking is available in front of the Administration Building. (The Administration Building faces 17th street and there are two flagpoles in front of it).
Provide your signed
Completion of Articulated Course form and your high school transcript to the Human Services and Technology Division and explain that you would like to obtain college credit.
In order to receive credit, you must be registered in at least one class at SAC for the current semester. You will need to go to admissions as part of the process.
The Agreement may require that you take an exam or provide a portfolio to a college faculty member in order to receive credit. You may need to make an appointment and schedule a time to accomplish that at a later date. Ask in VL-204 if you need help.
Once you complete the process, “Credit by Exam” units will be added to your college transcript. No letter grade is given.
Thank you for your interest in the Santa Ana College.