Many organization have grants available at the local and national level. Below are various grants that could help fund Inside the Outdoors programs or other projects you may want to implement on your school campus. Inside the Outdoors can work with you and your funders to ensure proper billing. Some grants are very specific, let us know if you have special billing needs!
The pages for these links are not managed by Inside the Outdoors.
Captain Planet Foundation Grants
The Captain Planet Foundation funds hands-on environmental projects for children and youths. They will fund as many projects as its annual resources allow. In order to be considered for funding, proposals must: focus on hands-on involvement, and include children and young adults ages 6-18 (elementary to high school) with adult supervision.
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Chevron Fuel Your School
Chevron is helping teachers buy supplies for classroom STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) projects.
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This online charity connects your classroom needs to those looking to donate to public schools. Post your projects needs online at Schools have used DonorsChoose to fund Field Trips and Traveling Scientist programs.
California Community Grants
These grants are usually available for schools in Los Angeles and surrounding counties. Applications are usually due in the fall.
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GreenWorks! Grant Program
Project Learning Tree is providing GreenWorks! grants up to $1,000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental service-learning projects.
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The NEA Foundation
The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area. The grant usually has a few deadlines during the year.
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Target Grants
The application period for Target Grants is usually August 1st to September 30th. More information...
Toshiba America Foundation
These grants can be used to bring hands-on activities, such as our Traveling Scientist program, into your classroom.
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Whole Foods School Garden Grants
Whole Foods is offering a Whole Kids Foundation School Garden Grant program in partnership with FoodCorps that supports the implementation or expansion of school gardening programs. Application window usually opens in the spring or summer.
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