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Project Ideas

Nurturing a Natural Curiosity Inside the Outdoors logo with tree, bird, stream 714-708-3885

​Recycling - Bottles and Cans

  • Have a contest between grade levels or classes to see who can collect the most
  • Take a stand with a can!  For example, students can vote using their recyclables. Let’s say you want to provide your students with a chance to listen to music at their school. Place 3 recycling bins together, each has a different musician posted above the can, students vote for who they want to hear with their cans.


  • Use your compost in your school garden. If you don't have a garden, you can start one!
  • Grow plants for the classroom or to take home, add compost for healthy plants
  • Alan Piercy at (714-647-1275) is a great resource to start your school compost.


  • Collect items for Upcycling with Terracycle (
  • Bottle caps to make magnets or jewelry
  • Soda tabs to make bracelets
  • Paper for paper making or paper beads
  • Collect used magazines to decorate journals, jars, and other containers
  • Collect paper towel and toilet paper rolls, and egg crates for animal enrichment for students pets or class pets
  • Candy wrappers to make into bracelets or bags

Waste Reduction  - Raise Awareness

  • Paint a landfill on all or some of the trash cans around your school to raise awareness of where your trash goes once it leaves the school.
  • Free trade program where students can exchange supplies (i.e. backpacks, books, toys)
  • Students can sell green items to fundraise money for your school through an company like Go Green Lunch Box. This is a great way to promote a waste free lunch by allowing parents to purchase reusable lunch containers.
  • Start a share table at lunch for uneaten food.

Call our office if you would like suggestions or assistance with your projects.

Nurturing a Natural Curiosity Inside the Outdoors logo with tree, bird, stream 714-708-3885