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District Fiscal Assistance


How OCDE supports districts in managing their finances

The Orange County Department of Education plays a critical role in helping Orange County’s 28 school districts maintain fiscal health and stability. Through oversight, guidance and collaboration, OCDE ensures districts can meet their financial obligations while continuing to provide quality education to students across the county. In addition to providing fiscal oversight for the 28 K-12 school districts, OCDE also supports three regional occupational centers and programs in Orange County.

Oversight under Assembly Bill 1200

OCDE’s financial oversight responsibilities are rooted in Assembly Bill 1200, a state law enacted in 1991. The law was designed to ensure school districts remain solvent and avoid financial crises that could disrupt their operations. It requires county offices of education to:

  • Review budgets and financial documents: OCDE reviews each district’s budgets and financial documents to ensure they are balanced, realistic and meet state requirements. This includes providing either unconditional or conditional approval, with recommendations for improvement when needed.

  • Monitor fiscal health: Throughout the year, OCDE monitors districts’ financial status through first and second interim reports, which project revenues and expenditures for the current and next two fiscal years. These reports help identify potential challenges early on.

  • Intervene when necessary: When a district shows signs of financial distress, OCDE steps in to provide direct support. Working closely with district leaders, OCDE develops recovery plans and helps align spending with available resources to restore stability.

First and second interim reports

School districts in California are required to submit financial updates to their county office of education twice each year — known as the first interim report, due in December, and the second interim report, due in March. These reports provide a snapshot of a district’s fiscal health, projecting whether it can meet its financial obligations for the current year and the two years that follow.

OCDE reviews these reports and assigns a certification status:

  • Positive certification: The district can meet its financial obligations for the current and next two fiscal years.

  • Qualified certification: The district may not be able to meet its financial obligations in one of the next two fiscal years.

  • Negative certification: The district cannot meet its financial obligations for the current or next fiscal year.

What is required under a qualified certification?

For districts with a qualified certification, Education Code Section 42127.6 states that the county superintendent shall do at least one of the following, along with all necessary actions to ensure the district meets its financial obligations:

  • Assign a fiscal expert, paid for by the county superintendent of schools, to advise the district on financial issues.
  • Conduct a study of the financial and budgetary conditions of the district, including a review of internal controls. If additional analytical assistance or expertise is required, the county superintendent may employ staff or consultants on a short-term basis. The district pays 75 percent of these costs, and the county office pays 25 percent.
  • Direct the district to submit financial projections of all fund and cash balances as of June 30 for the current and subsequent fiscal years.
  • Require the district to encumber all contracts and other obligations, prepare cash flow analyses and monthly or quarterly budget revisions, and appropriately record all receivables and payables.
  • Direct the district to submit a proposal for addressing its fiscal conditions.
  • Withhold compensation for the governing board and district superintendent for failure to provide requested financial information.

Additional oversight applies to districts with a qualified certification:

  • Government Code Section 3540.2 requires districts with a qualified or negative certification to allow the county office of education at least ten working days to review and comment on any proposed collective bargaining agreement before it is ratified.
  • Per Education Code Section 42133(a), the district may not issue non-voter-approved debt unless the county superintendent determines that repayment is probable under criteria established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Collaboration and local control

While OCDE provides oversight, it also respects the unique priorities and decision-making authority of each district. Department staff work closely with local leaders to offer tailored guidance, helping districts align their budgets with their educational goals and Local Control and Accountability Plans. Through collaboration and professional guidance, OCDE aims to ensure that financial decisions reflect the needs of individual communities while maintaining a focus on long-term fiscal stability.

Why financial oversight matters

By monitoring and supporting the financial health of school districts, OCDE protects the educational opportunities of Orange County students. Early intervention and thoughtful planning help districts address challenges proactively, avoiding disruptions and ensuring they remain focused on their mission: preparing every student for success.

Additional services provided by OCDE

OCDE staff provide technical, advisory and consultant services to school districts, community college districts and other county agencies in matters relating to financial accounting, budgeting, collective bargaining disclosures, debt issuance, financial audits, commercial payment processing, attendance reporting, school district reorganization, governing board member elections, Local Control Funding Formula calculations and local property tax apportionments.

Staff Contact Information

​Phone Number
Howard Marinier

Aisling Barrera

Melanie Inskeep

Adrian Rosales

Linda Victoria

Executive Director, Business Services

Administrator, Business Services

Manager, Business Services

Business Services Specialist

Business Services Specialist​




