What are the benefits of homeschooling?
Homeschooling is wonderful way to individualize your child’s learning while building meaningful relationships within your family. There is flexibility in scheduling which allows for activities and learning opportunities that enhance your child’s academic achievement, reflect their interests and learning styles, and provide a more meaningful and personalized approach to education.
Do I need special training to homeschool my children?
No. Remember, you were your child’s first teacher! CHEP provides teacher's editions and support from caring credentialed teachers who will help you each step of the way. We also offer workshops for parents which provide teaching and lesson plan ideas. Additionally, we provide our website Resource page which is filled with lesson plan and teaching ideas!
How much time do we need to spend on school each day?
You need to spend as much time as your child would spend in direct instruction in a traditional classroom. The number of minutes per day recommended by the state of California for students schooling at home is 3-1/2 hours for kindergarten, 4-1/2 hours each day for students in 1st – 3rd grade, and 5 hours per day for 4th – 8th graders. Remember that your day is flexible, so you can provide instruction all at once or throughout the day.
How much does your program cost?
We are tuition-free public school. All materials are provided free-of-charge.
Is curriculum included?
Yes, we provide student and teacher’s editions of our core curriculum, as well as a variety of support materials. Parents are responsible to pay only for lost or damaged materials.
Can we choose our own curriculum?
Parents are allowed to purchase their own curriculum, as long as the academic plan follows the California Content Standards for their child’s grade.(The standards can be seen at http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/index.asp.) These standards provide a road map for each grade level and assure that students master content in a sequential and purposeful way, without leaving gaps.
How will I know if I am doing a good job?
You will partner with a CHEP teacher who will guide you and help you in assessing your child's academic progress on a monthly basis. Also, our curriculum includes testing and assessment materials. You are not alone when you homeschool with CHEP. Our caring, credentialed teachers will partner with you to maximize your child's learning and help you create meaningful, interesting lessons!
Will my child have the opportunity to socialize and make friends?
Yes! CHEP offers many classes, workshops, and field trips designed to provide academic support while providing students an opportunity to make new friends. Parents at CHEP also organize Park Days and other events that allow students and parents to socialize informally. We encourage families to take advantage of these classes and activities!
How often do I meet with my CHEP teacher?
Families meet with their CHEP teachers at least once a month to go over the previous month’s work, to turn in work samples, and to set goals for the next month. More frequent contact by phone or in person is always available.
What about classes and tutoring?
CHEP offers a variety of classes and workshops each month. These are supplemental to the direct teaching done by the parent at home. Additionally, tutoring is available (by CHEP teachers) to help students who are struggling to reach academic goals as identified by the parent and the CHEP teacher.
What if we want to take a vacation during the school year?
The flexibility of homeschooling with CHEP provides families the opportunity to travel during the school year. We see these trips as wonderful learning experiences and encourage our families to work with their CHEP teachers to create a lesson plan around the trip that maximizes the experience and makes learning meaningful!
Will my child be behind if he goes back to school?
No. Our textbooks are state adopted and our adherence to the CA State Content Standards ensures that our students are keeping up with their peers in traditional public schools.
How do I get started?
Please look at the “Location/Contact Us” page of our website and call the main line. They will answer your questions and help you decide if CHEP is a good academic option for you.