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​Ongoing & Custom Professional Development Opportunities

Title: Clear Administrative Services Credential Program 
Description: The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) is proud to offer the Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Program, an approved California credential, job-embedded, program designed for full-time school administrators who possess the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and are now in need to clear their credential.  During this two-year,  coach-based program, candidates will enhance the leadership skills acquired during their Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program. 

Title: Crisis Response Network 
Description: Delivering comprehensive crisis response support to Orange County Schools. The Crisis Response Network (CRN) was developed to support school communities with crisis preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. CRN's mission is to provide pre-incident training to school and community-based personnel to build capacity to respond in a structured and effective manner. A network of trained crisis responders stands ready to support school communities upon request. This coordinated team emeloys Critical Incident Stress Management ( CISMJ protocol to supF?ort the emotional recovery of students and staff. ​
Contact: Jason Claros

Title: Designated Subjects - Career Technical Education (CTE) Credential Program 
Description: The CTE Credentialing Program is designed for both new and experienced teachers to earn their Designated Subjects Credential. This credential qualifies candidates who have successfully completed our program to teach CTE courses in grades twelve and below and in classes organized primarily for adults, including services to English learners in Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) in career technical, trade or vocational courses. Through online coursework and in-person support, participants gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to become effective, fully credentialed CTE instructors. 
Contact: Julie Gundling​ 

Title: GATE Certification 
Description: The Orange County Department of Education's GATE office offers customized GATE Certification that meets the standards of the OC GATE Collaborative to train teachers in the foundational theories in gifted education and high-yield strategies to enhance, enrich and extend students' thinking to challenge and support academic, behavioral and social-emotional growth. Brochure of services for Gifted and Talented Education certification and professional learning. 
Contact: Julie Hull

Title: Prevention: It Starts With You! 
Description: This workshop educates parents and caregivers on youth substance use prevention essentials. It provides an overview of current drug trends, risk and protective factors, and parenting techniques. Parents are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to identify and prevent youth alcohol and drug use. This promotional flyer describes workshop content and scheduling options for school and district staff. 
ContactStephan Lambert

Title: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential 
Description: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Orange County Department of Education Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program is designed for aspiring school administrators who seek to develop the skills to effectively lead a 21st-century educational organization.  The fifteen (15) month model is a blend of coursework and performance-based tasks, providing ongoing opportunities for candidates to learn educational theory and apply that understanding in authentic in-class and in-field environments. 
Contact: Hannah Geddy

​Title: Project GLAD Renewal​
Description:Project GLAD Renewal for Project GLAD Trainers to sustain their Licensing Agreements to engage with the model

Title: Project GLAD Renewal for Trainers​
Description: Project GLAD Renewal for Trainers

Title: Substance Use Prevention Support
Description: Technical assistance and professional development related to substance use prevention are available to all Orange County LEAs. Support includes staff presentations on current youth substance use issues, guidance on implementing substance use intervention programs, and resources for substance use prevention, intervention, and treatment
Contact: Stephan Lambert

Title: Supervision of Attendance Asynchronous Online Certification Course
Description: California Education Code sections 48240-48246 authorizes that the governing board of each school district and county superintendent of schools appoint a Supervisor of Attendance to “promote a culture of attendance and establish a system to accurately track pupil attendance…” This self-paced training offers information and resources for participants to understand the role of Supervisor of Attendance and responsibilities associated with this position in addressing chronic absenteeism rates and increasing pupil engagement which is a priority in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and identified as a state indicator within the California School Dashboard. Complete the course for certification by taking and passing the post-course assessment with a score of 80% or higher no later than February 2025. You have unlimited attempts.

TitleTeacher Induction Program
Description: A CTC-approved, two-year induction program is the preferred pathway to securing a California Clear Multiple and/or Single Subject teaching credential.
Contact: Amanda Baird