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GATE Parents

Parent Night: Understanding the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children 

An educational night, free of cost, for parents and teachers. Understanding the social and emotional needs of gifted children. Awareness of common gifted characteristics and their associated behaviors is important to helping gifted children deal with the stress that often accompanies their gift. When recognized for what they are, these sometimes perplexing behaviors and traits can be managed in ways that allow children to reach their full social, emotional and academic potential. Common gifted characteristics and potential stress reduction solutions to them will be discussed.





 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the characteristics of a typical gifted student?

Gifted children have characteristics that often make them stand out from other students.  Gifted students are curious, have a good memory, a developed sense of humor, they are highly creative, use advanced vocabulary, and have a wide knowledge base as compared to their peers.


Is there a definition of "gifted"?

Yes, the current definition, which is located in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is "Children who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities".


 What is the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program?

The GATE program provides challenging curriculum and instruction to gifted and talented students in California capable of achieving significantly beyond the level of their peers.  The state of California provides program and grant support to local school districts to establish GATE programs.  The state provides general standards that offer districts considerable flexibility in defining who are "gifted and talented" and in designing local programs.


What is the process for GATE identification?

Each district develops its own criteria for GATE identification.  Contact your district GATE coordinator for more information regarding identification and testing.


How is GATE instruction different?

GATE programs use Depth and Complexity to enhance and make the core-curriculum different.  Depth and Complexity is used to differentiate learning opportunities that stress the complexity of subject matter, develop greater depth in thinking and reasoning skills, and provide for the creation of new ideas and new products. 


What is differentiated instruction?

Differentiated instruction involves providing students with different avenues to acquiring content; to processing, constructing, or making sense of ideas; and to developing teaching materials so that all students within a classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability.


Where can I find more resources?
