OCDE PBIS Sustainability Network
The Orange County PBIS Sustainability Network is an opportunity for district leads to come together to learn from each other and improve PBIS implementation across Orange County. Participants will reflect on successes and engage in conversation regarding supports to assist schools and districts with current and future PBIS efforts.
Intended Audience: District staff who support implementation of PBIS
Dates: 9/7/22, 11/3/22, 3/07/23, 5/4/23 8:00-11:00am
Register Here: http://ocde.k12oms.org/1249-214249
OCDE Coaching Network
Connect and collaborate with colleagues by participating in our OCDE Coaching Network.
Objectives of the Coaching Network
- Enhance coaching practices to support academic, behavior, social and emotional needs of students and educators
- Obtain resources to support an integrated system
- Create and maintain integrated teams
- Blend and align initiatives to make an integrated system sustainable
Intended Audience: Instructional Coaches, TOSAs, Site Administrators, and District Leadership in Orange County
- 10/26/2022, 9:00-12:00
- 2/22/2023, 9:00-12:00
- 4/26/2023, 9:00-12:00
Link to Register: http://ocde.k12oms.org/1249-218303