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2021 Phase 3 CA MTSS Grant



2021 Phase 3 CA MTSS Grant

Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Phase 3 CA MTSS Grant. The California Department of Education in partnership with the Orange County Department of Education and the Butte County Office of Education is pleased to announce that our Phase 3 CA MTSS RFA is now available as of​ 9/20/21. This grant will provide an opportunity for school sites, LEAs, and county offices of education to build capacity for coaching and implementation of CA MTSS to improve outcomes for all learners. ​

Review the criteria for the application types below (school, consortium, county office of education) to determine the appropriate application that applies to you.

Application Release Date: September 20, 2021

Application Deadline: November 10, 2021​ PST​​

Preliminary Award Announcement: December 6, 2021

Appeal Deadline: December 10​, 2021

Final Award Announcement: December 15, 2021

RFA Overview Vid​eo

School Grant
Apply as an individual school: $50,000 for schools with up to 1,000 students, or $100,000 for schools over 1,000 students
School Grant Application
School Grant Application Questions.pdf
Phase 3 School Site Flyer.pdf

Consortium Grant
Apply as a consortium: up to 6 partners with an identified lead agency. Funding up to $315​,000 (50,000.00 per partner and 15,000.00 for lead)|
Consortium​ Grant Application​
Consortium Grant Application Questions.pdf
Phase 3 Consortium Flyer.pdf

COE Grant
$50,000 per COE​
COE Grant​ Application
COE Grant A​pplication Questions.pdf
Phase 3 County Flyer.pdf

Additional Resources​
Revised ​California MTSS Framework.pdf
​Vimeo CA MTSS Pathway Certification

Appeal Process
2021 School Climate Sub-grant Award A​ppeals Process

​​​For additional information, email ​

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