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Linking Supports for Student Learning and Success Conference Materials

Emily Diehl's Keynote:​​
Ignite Learning With A Growth Mindset Keynote (Adobe .pdf)​
Linking Supports for Student Learning and Success Agenda (Microsoft Word)​​​
Strand A: Executing the Grand Vision: Driven Effective Educators Creating Driven Effective Learners​
Strand A Agenda (Adobe .pdf) Includes the Following:​
Emily Diehl's Presentation:
As Above So Below (Adobe .pdf)​
Kevin Schaefer / Emily Diehl Presentation:​
California’s Multi-tiered System Of Supports (Adobe .pdf)​
​Debra Herburger / Janelle Mercado / Jennifer Ellerman Presentations:
Executing the Grand Vision Creating Driven Effective Learners​ (Microsoft PowerPoint)​​
Inclusive Practices And Co-Teaching (Adobe .pdf)
Strand B: Singing in the Rain: Aligning Standards for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities​​
Strand B Agenda (Adobe .pdf)​
