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Homeless Outreach Promoting Educational Success (HOPES) Collaborative


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​McKinney-Vento e-Training ​​for 

School Staff

Go to McKinney-Vento Video


McKinney-Vento e-Training ​​for 

Community Partners​

Voices of Experience (English)

Click here for English version.

​​​Voices of Experience (Span​ish)

Click here for Spanish version.



The HOPES Collaborative is a partnership between the Orange County Department of Education and County of Orange Homeless Prevention, Orange County school districts, community-based organizations, faith-based community, law enforcement, shelter and housing service providers.

The Hopes Collaborative works to remove enrollment barriers, increase school attendance, and ultimately improve the academic success of homeless children and youth under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.

Technical assistance and trainings​ are available to LEA's, charter schools, organizations and agencies involved in working with children, youth and families experiencing homelessness. ​

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act requires districts to ensure homeless students have access to education and other services they need to meet the same high academic achievement standards as all students. All local school districts must designate a Ho​meless Liaison.  ​

Helpful Links

​California Department of Education Homeless Ed

Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers (HETAC CDE)

National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE)

2-1-1 - Orange County


McKinney-Vento Family Student Brochure (English)

McKinney-Vento Family Student Brochure-Other Languages​​​

McKinney-Vento Overview​

Housing Assistance Request Form​