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Interactive 21st Century Principal Development Program – (ID21)


The ID 21 Assessment Center is an event rather than a place.  The process involves generating information useful in developing early-career or aspiring educational leaders.  During the assessment center, participants perform a series of activities that simulate the tasks of a school principal.  In some of the activities, participants work alone while in others they work in a group.  A staff of experienced educational leaders, who have been trained as “assessors,” observe and analyze participants’ work to determine the level of skill demonstrated in areas identified as critical for success as a school principal.  Participants interact with the assessors to actively engage in reviewing and analyzing their own performance.  Assessors guide reflection and provide performance feedback and coaching.

This assessment center is embedded in the Orange County Department of Education Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program at no additional cost to candidates enrolled in the program. For districts and/or individuals interested in pursuing this opportunity, the cost per participant is $1200.00.​

​Contact Information:

Hannah Geddy, Ed.D.
Program Administrator

Naomi Stanaland
Senior Administrative Assistant