The Student Services Office partners with local agencies such as the Probation Department, Constitutional Rights Foundation, Juvenile Courts, District Attorney's Office, Social Services, Police Departments, professional organizations such as CASCWA, Military One, the OC Health Care Agency, and other county offices of education throughout California. These partners collaborate with the school districts in preventing, handling, and solving child welfare and attendance issues.
This office provides technical assistance, coaching, consultation, professional learning events, and network meetings to assist school district CWA/Student Services/SARB Administrators and more with School Attendance Review Board (SARB), Chronic Absenteeism, Student Discipline, Suspensions/Alternatives to Suspensions, Hate Crimes, School Records, Parent Rights, Minority Student Support, At-Promise Students Support, Bullying Issues, Human Trafficking, Campus Supervision, Foreign Exchange Students & Visas, Student Work Permits, Military Families Support, Expulsion & Interdistrict Transfer (IDT) Appeal Hearings.
Important Dates
Registration links below
For more information on any of these programs, contact:
Student Services (CWA/SARB/IDT)
Terrance Dunn, M.Ed., Coordinator
(714) 966-4469
Student Services (CWA/SARB/IDT )
Lorena Rodriguez, Administrative Technician
(714) 327-1052
Integrated Student Support Unit
Daniel Ochoa, Ed.D., Director
(714) 966-4384
OCDE - Supports