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Documents for Spelling Bee Coordinators

​​The links below will be made live as each document is finalized for the 2024-25 school year.

Forms ​​

Fall Spe​lling B​​ee​ Meeting ​Flyer​

Intent to Participate Form​​​ 

Contest Rules Form​​​ 

Participati​on Fee​ Form​​ 

Program Ov​erview​ ​​

Scripps Spelling Bee Eligibility Criteria​​

Parent Consent Form

Parent Consent Form - Chinese- Simplified​

Parent Consent Form - Chinese - Traditional

Parent Conse​nt Form - Farsi

Parent Consen​t Form - Korean

Parent Consen​t Form - Spanish

Parent Conse​nt Form - Vietnamese​

​​​Orange County Spelling Bee Eligibility: Students establish eligibility through participation in their school or school district spelling bee. Questions regarding Spelling Bee eligibility should be directed to Kristin Rigby - 714-966-4435 or​