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Strategic Priorities


In order to fulfill our learning vision over the next five years, OCDE has identified eight strategic priorities. These are complementary rather than hierarchical.

​Strategic Priority 1 – College and Career Readiness and Success

Given the resources within this community, Orange County students should be equipped to lead the nation in college and career readiness and success. OCDE will prioritize professional development for teachers and administrators who facilitate student readiness and success. We will prioritize programs that prepare students for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers and partnerships with businesses, community organizations, and higher education.​

Strategic Priority 2 – 21st Century Competencies and Academic Standards

Parents, educators, and employers recognize that children and youth need to develop proficiency in critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, communication, collaboration, and character (“the 5Cs”) in order to thrive in the complex world in which they are coming of age. OCDE will prioritize support to assure the effective implementation of the Common Core and other California standards to help all students in Orange County acquire 21st century competencies.​

Strategic Priority 3 – Local Control and Accountability Plans

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process have created a new environment for educational decision-making in California. OCDE will provide support for districts and educators as they establish instructional goals and plans and align their resources with those goals.​

Strategic Priority 4 – Technology in Support of Teaching and Learning

The digital revolution has arrived in education. OCDE will prioritize efforts to support the effective use of technology in teaching and learning throughout Orange County.​

Strategic Priority 5 – Communication and Collaboration

Many changes are underway throughout the county, inside and outside of formal education systems. OCDE will prioritize efforts to strengthen communication and collaboration throughout Orange County in order to tell the story of educational achievement and champion a shared learning vision.​

Strategic Priority 6 – Special Populations

OCDE plays an important role in assuring that students in special populations (special education, alternative education, English learners, students from families with limited economic resources, and foster youth) experience robust learning opportunities. OCDE will prioritize efforts to expand learning opportunities for students needing special support, especially those served by OCDE’s alternative and special education programs.​

Strategic Priority 7 – Business Services, Legal Services, Legislative Advocacy, and Other Key Services

OCDE provides support to districts by offering expertise across a broad range of important organizational issues. OCDE will prioritize efforts to enhance support to districts in business services, legal services, legislative advocacy, and other key areas of organizational need.​

​Strategic Priority 8 – The Whole Child

Rapid change, economic uncertainty, and technological overload can be unsettling and stressful. Students face daunting challenges of many kinds. Orange County educators can assure that learning environments are safe, healthy, supportive, and foster a strong sense of community from early childhood education through high school. OCDE will prioritize support for the whole child that assures personal flourishing and the development of good citizens who can make strong contributions to their communities.