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College Credit


Articulation Agreements (College Credit)

What is Articulation?
Articulation is the process of evaluating courses to determine whether coursework completed at a high school or ROCP meets the requirements at a community college or post-secondary institution.  Agreements made can include course-to-course equivalency for dual credit, credit by exam or advanced placement.

Dual Credit (College Credit)

These agreements allow students to earn both high school and community college credit through successful completion of the high school/ROP course or program. This prevents a student from repeating a course in high school/ROP and college and thus duplicating their learning. Articulation is a process that will permit students to move from one course, program, or educational level to the next without loss of time or resources.

Articulation Agreements

An articulation agreement is a formal, written and published document that describes which coursework from the “sending” institution (e.g. high school or ROP) is accepted as comparable to or in lieu of coursework at the “receiving” institution (e.g. community college/post-secondary institutions).

The Central Orange County CTE Partnership (CTEp) has articulation agreements with several public and private post-secondary institutions in Orange County. Agreements are typica​lly made for one year, and need to be renewed annually.  All arrangements and applications for new and renewal agreements are initiated and negotiated by the Curriculum and Instruction Group at CTEp, with participation by District Administrators and teachers as required.

Articulation Process and Requirements for Students

Each institution has its own individual process, documents, and requirements. 

Every student that earns college credit by satisfying the articulation requirements should be given the necessary documentation and submittal information upon completing the high school course. ​

Click on the college logo below for more information
on the individual process, documents, and requirements for each college:


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