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School Advisory Committee

​​​​​​As an affiliated charter school, similar to other OCDE schools and programs, CCPA is authorized by OCBE and administered by OCDE. Governance at the school site level shall be in accordance with the provisions of this petition and shall be consistent with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, OCDE policies, and the provisions of OCDE collective bargaining agreements. OCBE shall comply with the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act, the Public Records Act, and Government Code section1090 as well as OCDE policies and procedures regarding conflicts of interest. OCBE will retain roles and responsibilities as defined in Education Codes 1040-1047 for CCPA.

School Advisory Committee and Stakeholder Involvement 

To ensure involvement of our stakeholders, CCPA’s School Advisory Committee elicits input from our community partners, local business executives, CCPA staff, students and parents. The School Advisory Committee represents an organizational and technical design to ensure CCPA remains a viable enterprise, with active and effective representation of interested parties supporting a successful educational program. The School Advisory Committee represents the diverse interests of the students and staff that make up the local school community.

The School Advisory Committee exists to assist, advise and provide school administration with the broad base of input to improve school and student performance and to help design, develop, and implement workforce partnerships. Representatives from a variety of stakeholders are invited to serve on the committee to provide input and guidance. These stakeholders may include Orange County business leaders, workforce development partners, CCPA classified and certificated staff, students, parents, and other community partners.

Interested in participating in the School Advisory Committee? Please send an email to for more information.

Students, Parents, and Community Members, please join us at our next meeting for updates and input to improve school and student performance.

Upcoming School Advisory Committee Meeting:

Topic: Thursday​, January 16, 2025

Time: 1pm

​Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID:  893 2109 7837​

Dial by your location
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free

Thursday​, January 16, 2025​​ Agenda, SAC_011625.pdf

Archived Agendas and Minutes:​

Tuesday​, December 3, 2024​​ Agenda, SAC_120324.pdf

Thursday​, September 5, 2024​ Agenda SAC_090524.pdf

Tuesday​, May 14, 2024​  ​Agenda SAC_051424.pdf

Thursday​, May 9​​​, 2024   Agenda, SAC_050924.pdf

Thursday​, April 11​​​, 2024​    Agenda, SAC_041124.pdf

Thursday, January 18, 2024      Agenda, SAC_011824.pdf

Thursday, September 7, 2023    Agenda, SAC_090723.pdf

Thursday, May 11, 2023             Agenda, SAC_051123.pdf
                                                        Minutes, SAC_051123.pdf

Thursday, April 13, 2023             Agenda, SAC_041323.pdf

Thursday, January 12, 2023​        Agenda, SAC_011223.pdf
                                                          Minutes, SAC_011223.pdf

Thursday, September 8, 2022​    Agenda, SAC_090822.pdf