2024-2025 Fall/Spring Application Instructions
We have a two step process: first step is to review the Online Orientation below, next step will be to fill out the application for CHEP, located at the bottom of this page.
Online Orientation
The Community Home Education Program (CHEP) is administered by the Orange County Department of Education. CHEP is an award-winning state-funded independent study program that offers free resources to parents who choose to educate their children at home. CHEP provides curriculum and the support of certificated teachers to students and the adults who teach them. Our program requires a high level of participation by parents and students. We currently serve students from transitional kindergarten through eighth grade.
Come homeschool with CHEP
We are a public school and offer a free homeschool (Independent Study program) – Families will be partnered with a supportive California credentialed CHEP teacher who will guide and help you in planning meaningful and interesting lessons and assessing your child's academic progress on a monthly basis. Parents or guardians must agree to plan, prepare, and support daily instruction at home.
Students earn attendance credit for work done at home when parents meet with their CHEP teacher each month to review the work, turn in work samples in each of the curricular areas, and to discuss and set educational goals for the next month. More frequent contact by phone or in person is always available.
CHEP is a public school and adheres to all public school requirements. We offer a wide variety of online programs available to support learning including: I-Ready (Language Arts and Math), Lexia, Reflex Math, standardized testing and other assessments to monitor student progress.
Our site is located in Tustin where we offer a variety of on campus enrichment classes, grade level courses, workshops, yearbook, and field trip experiences. These are supplemental to the direct teaching done by the parent at home.
Per Independent Study law and prior to enrollment, the parent and the school must agree that CHEP placement is in the best interest of the student.
You are not alone when you homeschool with CHEP!
The Role of the Teacher
Our caring, California credentialed teachers will partner with you to maximize your child’s learning and guide you in creating meaningful engaging lessons!
Our teachers will meet with you once a month or more frequently for work turn ins and to review student progress.
Teachers offer a variety of grade level classes and enrichment opportunities for students to participate in. Teachers are available to provide tutoring to help students who need help in reaching academic goals.
The Role of the Parent
Parents plan, prepare, and provide direct daily instruction, supervise student work completion, and grade/ evaluate all work completed.
Parents support CHEP goals, rules, and regulations.
Parents meet with a supervising teacher at minimum on a monthly basis for work turn in.
The Role of the Student
Students will need to spend as much time with direct instruction as in a traditional classroom but the day is flexible, so parents/guardians can provide instruction all at once or throughout the day.
Students take responsibility for completing work that has been assigned and by following CHEP rules and standards.
Students complete required standardized testing and I-Ready assignments.
Progress ReportsProgress Reports and Report Cards are completed with input from the parent and the assigned certificated teacher based upon students work, progress and evidence of student academic levels, and mastery in alignment with the California State Standards.
CHEP Curriculum
CHEP’s curriculum provides a balanced program of learning experiences with an emphasis on the mastery of basic skills and academic content. The curriculum is aligned with the California State Standards, policies, and requirements to ensure that our students are keeping up with their peers in traditional public schools. We provide teacher and student editions of our core curriculum and a variety of support materials. All materials are provided free-of-charge.
We offer online transitional courses for our 7th and 8th grade students. These semester-long courses are designed in collaboration with Pacific Coast High School (PCHS).
Next Steps
Email, mail, fax, or hand deliver the following documents to the address, fax, or email listed on the Application for Admission (Pictures of the application will not be accepted, please scan a copy. Instructions on how to scan with an iPhone. Instructions on how to scan with a Galaxy smartphone.):
Completed CHEP - Application for Admission
CHEP Application 2024-2025.pdf
Please include the most current student report card.
Upon receipt of all the documents listed above, you will be contacted regarding the next steps in the pre-registration process.
Applications and all other documents will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please email, fax, mail, or hand deliver all supplemental documents along with the application. Applications cannot be reviewed until all required documents have been received.
Please Note: Once your application is reviewed and if it is accepted, you will need to obtain a signed Referral Form from your school district of attendance. The form will be a part of your registration packet.
If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact Claire DePerry, 714-245-6491, Cdeperry@ocde.us