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Orange County Music and Arts Administrators


OCMAA Mission Statement founded by the Orange County Department of Education, the Orange County Music and Arts Administrators (OCMAA) is an enduring and active coalition of school districts, community arts organizations, parents, and business leaders who work collaboratively to ensure a high quality inclusive, accessible, and equitable arts education for every child. To prepare the next generation of leaders, artists and innovators, we recognize that a sequential, standards-based arts education creates well-rounded students who possess the skills to be creative, innovative, and resilient. We believe in informed leadership and quality programs, and we support those who daily provide arts opportunities for students. OCMAA's monthly meetings are open to representatives from all of Orange County and we encourage your districts to find the person who will be the cheerleader and advocate to guide this work.​

Join our network of districts and arts organizations in our shared arts community by attending the meetings​.​​

State Leadership Support California County Superintendents Arts InitiativeCalifornia County Superintendents Arts Initiative.png

I’m excited to announce our social media campaign, specific to Orange County. The goal is to spotlight the great work you all are doing and the resulting work students are creating​​​.

Anyone can use #OCArts4All for things like:
Pictures/videos of students doing arts activities at home
Pictures/videos of staff creating activities and leading students in video lessons
Written/recorded commentaries from students and parents
Videos of community leader (mayors, principals, superintendents, etc.) participating in arts activities
Screenshots of Art Zoom meetings

Our theme will be:

twitter-round-logo-png-transparent-background-7 – Music Blogs ...#OCArts4AllFacebook Logos PNG images free download

Twitter @Arts4Oc and on Facebook @OCArts4All