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What is Expanded Learning?


​​​What is Expanded Learning?​

According to the Website: California's Expanded Learning these programs are an integr​al part of young people's education, engaging them in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life.

Expanded Learning refers to before and after school, summer, and intersession learning experiences that develop the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of students. Expanded Learning opportunities should be hands-on, engaging, student-centered, results-driven, involve community partners, and complement learning activities in the regular school day/year.

PDF: Orange County Expanded Learning S​ites 

​​​How are Programs Funded? 
​After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program
(Prop 49, State Funded )

Provides state funding to school districts to implement after school programs.

21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Program

Provides federal funding to school districts and/or community based organizations to implement before and after school programs. The state legislature allocates funding to provide training and technical assistance to districts implementing ASES and 21st CCLC programs.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO)

(State Fu​nding, AB86) 

​Provides state funding to school districts through LCFF in the LCAP. ELO Grants shall be expended only for any of the following purposes: extending instructional learning time, accelerating progress to close learning gaps, integrated pupil supports, community learning hubs, supports for credit deficient pupils, additional academic services, and training for school staff. LEAs are encouraged to engage, plan, and collaborate on program operation with community partners and expanded learning programs, and leverage existing behavioral health partnerships and Medi-Cal billing options, in the design and implementation of services.​
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)

(State Funding, AB130) 

​​​Provides state funding to LEAs based on unduplicated student counts. ​