Jami Parsons, Ed.D.
Systemic Leadership & Continuous Improvement Unit
The Systemic Leadership unit is dedicated to fostering inclusive, student-centered systems that promote equity, access, and success for all learners. Grounded in the California Multi-Tiered System of Support (CA MTSS) Framework and the California Community Schools Framework, we collaborate with educators, families, and communities to create sustainable, data-driven practices that enhance student outcomes. Our work ensures that schools become inclusive, supportive environments where every student can reach their full potential.
This unit provides support related to:
MTSS implementation
- Technical Support for CA MTSS grant awardees in OC and across the state of California
- Introduction to the Multi-Tiered System of Support for OC Districts
- Reboot Training for MTSS
- Sustainability Network for MTSS
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- First, best instruction in the classroom
- Academic Interventions
- Inclusive Instruction
- Classroom Strategies
- Co Teaching
- Para-professional
- Restorative Practices (RP)
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Community Schools
- Technical Support for Districts and Schools which are identified as CCSPP Planning and Implementation Grant Awardees in OC