Deputy Superintendent
Instructional Programs
Chief Academic Officer
Educational Services
This division is dedicated to supporting professional learning for Orange County school districts. Through our collective capacity, Educational Services provides high quality and sustainable professional learning that enhances the professional capital of the community we serve. We provide multi-tiered system of support to the Orange County community that focus on academic, behavioral, and social
success for all learners through:
- Professional Learning
- Technical Assistance
- Tools and Resources
Teaching, Learning and Instructional Leadership CollaborativeTransforming Learning from Classroom to Cabinet
We equip districts and teachers to transform every school day into a humming, discourse-based, joyful workshop where everyone learns together, through systems and coaching support and collaborative professional learning.
We serve all student P-6, including multilingual learners, early childhood learners, and students with disabilities, by collaborating with district leaders, site administrators, teachers, parents, and community members.
- Cognitively Guided Instruction
- Curriculum Materials Adoption
- Coherent Instructional Systems for Mathematics & ELA
- Assessment & Data Literacy
- Differentiated Assistance
We build
coherent systems for teaching and learning at the district, school site, and classroom levels, building a think tank of representative leaders and conducting site-based learning walks, professional learning, individual and site-level coaching, collaboration, and leadership support. We...
- coach individual teachers and grade level teams.
- support site & district Instructional Leadership.
- continuously measure the effectiveness of our work.
- equip accomplished teachers to serve as content coaches.
Curriculum, Instruction and Academic Enrichment
The Curriculum, Instruction and Academic Enrichment (Birth - Grade 12) Unit encompasses four departments including Early Learning Services, Humanities, Project GLAD®, and STEM. Contact us for more information.
- Early and Expanded Learning
- Humanities
- Project GLAD® & Multilingual Academic Services
The Career Education and Postsecondary Advancement Unit is a dynamic group that brings together educators and industry leaders with a shared goal of preparing students for successful futures in both college and career endeavors. Through collaborative efforts, our unit develops innovative coursework that seamlessly integrates rigorous academics with practical career preparation. Our programs bridge the gap between community colleges, K12 schools, 4-year colleges, and business/industry partners, fostering a comprehensive network that facilitates work-based learning opportunities for students and career advancement opportunities for educators. We believe in empowering educators by equipping them with cutting-edge learning strategies, enabling them to deliver transformative education experiences. Our services provide a pivotal role by offering an array of credentialing programs, professional development, and technical assistance tailored to meet the distinct needs of local educators, schools, and districts. Together, OC Pathways and ILD strive to shape the future of education by cultivating a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration, innovation, and student success.
The purpose of the Integrated Student Supports unit in the Orange County Department of Education is to support school districts by leading and managing a comprehensive range of services that promote the well-being and academic success of students. This encompasses managing programs for student behavioral, mental, and physical health, aiding students in homelessness and foster care, overseeing child welfare and attendance, handling student discipline, and supporting adherence to educational laws and regulations. The unit is committed to fostering integrated, holistic, equitable approaches to student welfare, working collaboratively with community and government partners, and maintaining a focus on continuous improvement and data-driven strategies.
The Integrated Student Supports unit provides professional learning, consultation, technical assistance, and resources in relation to:
- Child welfare and attendance
- Pupil records
- Student behavioral, mental and physical health
- Student discipline
- Student enrollment and permits
- Students experiencing homelessness
- Students in foster care
Student Initiatives, Partnerships, and Events provide programs and services to students, families, educators, and community members that focus on student engagement, academic achievement, youth development, leadership innovation, and external funding and partnerships. Our programs prepare students for college and careers by developing 21st century competencies. We provide direct services to over 187,000 students through student programs such as Friday Night Live (FNL), Academic Decathlon, Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) and more. Our multi-faceted approach improves the quality of education and support services that connects community, students, and school districts as we promote the health, safety, and academic enrichment of children throughout the county.
- Youth Development and Recognition Programs
- Health, Safety, and Prevention Programs
- Educator Events and Partnerships
Systemic Leadership and Continuous Improvement
The Integrated Supports and Services Unit includes four teams that provide professional development, consultation, and technical assistance for district leaders and school staff.
This unit provides support related to MTSS implementation, Community Schools, Assessment and Accountability, LCAP development, Differentiated Assistance/CSI/ATSI, CALPADS, State and Federal Programs, grant writing, and evaluation.