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Funding Development Process


The Office of Grants and Funding:

  • Determines the Type of Funding.  If the funding is a GRANT, this process is followed
  • Reviews the Request for Proposal (RFP) to determine Eligibility and fit with the Guiding Principles
  • Meets with Program Team to discuss program, staffing, and funding concept
  • Will work with other OCDE divisions to ensure there is not an internal competition for funding

  • Funding Opportunity Summary will be e-mailed to program leadership and OCDE Cabinet to start the pre-approval process
  • All levels of leadership will be informed of any "red flags" and allowed the opportunity to submit questions or concerns
  • If request is denied, the process ends here
  • NOTE:  Must allow a minimum of three weeks for the review, proposal development, approval, and submission process.




The Office of Grants and Funding:

  • Will provide the Special Projects Unit with a copy of the RFP and required budget forms for submission
  • Will work with Special Projects Unit and Program Team to Prepare a budget and budget narrative
  • Will provide OCDE Evaluators with  a copy of the RFP and requirements for consultation


The Office of Grants and Funding:
  • Will develop a proposal preparation timeline of required items
  • Will prepare required forms and gather OCDE documentation needed for proposal submission
  • Will develop the required program narrative and attachments for proposal
  • Will review draft of narrative and proposal items to ensure formatting requirements are met

NOTE:  Narrative will be proofread by Administrative Supervisor or designee a minimum of three days prior to submission


The Office of Grants and Funding:

  •  Will prepare the Funding Snapshot, budget, and required forms for approval
  • All OCDE designees must sign the Funding Snapshot to indicate their approval to submit the proposal
  • The signed Funding Snapshot and required forms will be forwarded to the Authorized Representative
  • The Authorized Representative will sign all required forms on behalf of OCDE to be included in the official proposal

NOTE:  Must allow a minimum of five days to complete the final approval process


The Office of Grants and Funding:

  • Will prepare and assemble all required documents for proposal submission
  • Will deliver or mail the final proposal to meet the required deadline

NOTE:  All electronic submissions or reports must be completed by the Office of Grants and Funding.


The Office of Grants and Funding:

  • Will be notified from the recipient of the award announcement
  • Will notify the Special Projects Unit to establish a funding account number
  • Will complete a contract request form (CRF), attach a copy of​ the Implementation Form, signed Funding Snapshot, original approved budget, submitted proposals, and required forms for signature.

  • A completed CRF Packet will be routed for approvals and signature by the Authorized Representative
  • Funding Announcements will be sent out by the Office of Grants and Funding through monthly Funding Flash Reports to Cabinet
  • Special Projects Unit will provide an updated list of funded awards to the OCDE Board of Education (when necessary)
  • NOTE:  Board action is only necessary when specifically required by the funding source


 Contact Information:

Educational Services Division

Sonia R. Llamas, Ed.D.
Associate Superintendent
(714)966-4305 or

Diane Ehrle
Continuous Improvement
(714)966-1083 or

​Office of Grants and Funding

Ozzie Perez
Grants Coordinator
(714)966-4407 or

Janel Alberts, PhD
Evaluation and Grants
(714)966-4245 or

Natalie Lohrenz
Project Manager
(714)966-4216 or

Cathy Munoz
Admin. Assistant
(714)966-4108 or