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Parent and Family Support Services Faire


Stay tuned for more information soon.

Contact Janis Price if you are interested in hosting a booth to share your resources.


​​The annual Parent and Family Support Services Faire, first held in 2008, brings local community resources to a larger FCP audience. The Faire has three main components:


Resource Fair and Networking: 

​Community agencies and OCDE programs host resource tables to share information about their programs and services. Agencies represent a cross-section of different areas, including mental health counseling and substance abuse, learning supports and tutoring, resources and advocates for students with special needs, parenting programs and more. 


Program Spotlights:

Agencies are provided with an opportunity to showcase their programs with interactive experiences and discussions in a small group setting. Parents and school staff are engaged in shared dialogue for increased understanding. Past program spotlights included Mindful Moving Playgrounds, Inside the Outdoors, and resources for homeless families.


Educational Workshops:

​In addition to program spotlights, educational workshops are offered for both parents, school and district staff on a variety of relevant topics. Speakers include community agency staff, educators and parent leadership groups from Orange County schools. Some past workshops included family engagement strategies, school wellness, developmental asset building and resiliency, and college and career readiness.