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Region 9 Local Educational Consortium (LEC)

​​Region 9 LEC: Orange, San Diego and Imperial Counties

As Region 9 LEC SMAA administrator, the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) contracts with the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)  to assist the state and to support school agencies. The OCDE has been involved in the SMAA program since 1999.  ccsesacalmap.gif

The OCDE fulfills the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Liaison between state and district
  • Training and technical assistance
  • Review and certification
  • Oversight and monitoring
  • Reimbursement distribution
  • Representation on statewide LEC Committee
  • State and federal legislation monitoring

Region 9 LEC Contacts 

Patti McIntyre, Coordinator,​, 714-708-4980
Charlie Wu, Project Accountant,, 714-708-4981
Dina Smith, Project Accountant,, 714-708-4983
Chelsea Metrulas, Project Accountant​,, 714-708-4984
Michiko Kiyomura, Project Accountant,​, 714-966-4174
​Miriam Marks, Program Data Technician,, 714-708-4994
SMAA Program Main Line: 714-708-4982 

USPS Mail Address

Patti McIntyre
School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities   
Orange County Department of Education 
P.O. Box 9050  
Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050

Overnight Mail Address

Patti McIntyre
School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities   
Orange County Department of Education 
200 Kalmus Drive, Bldg. C
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 

County/District Mail Address

OCDE District #94
Patti McIntyre​ Bldg. E4-216