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The majority of the students enrolled in the OCDE Special School program participate in a functional life skills curriculum. As a result, many of the instructional materials needed to teach this curriculum are not on the state-adopted textbook list. Our base curriculum utilizes the SEACO Curriculum Guide for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities as a guide to implement functional skills strategies. The guide is aligned to grade level standards at various levels of implementations. Each school orders adapted materials and supplemental materials that make instruction relevant for the students.
CORE Content/Curriculum
California has established Content Standards in the areas of: Math, Reading/Language Arts, Physical Education, History-Social Science, Science, and Visual & Performing Arts. Content Standards are designed based upon California Department of Education instructional Frameworks, to encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.
The California Department of Education develops curricular frameworks and instructional standards that specify, organize, and integrate the content and processes of education in each particular discipline/area of instructional content. Its structure forms a bridge between identified standards and classroom expected instruction.
Special Education Administrators of County Offices (SEACO) Curriculum Guide
The SEACO curriculum guide is designed to enable students with moderate to severe disabilities access to the core curriculum areas of the California State Frameworks. The standards in this curriculum are specifically selected for use with students with moderate to severe disabilities but are not intended to be the only standards that might be appropriate for students with significant needs. Standards for this curriculum are based upon three (3) questions
• Does this standard reflect an important curriculum goal for all students, including students with significant cognitive disabilities?
• Can a functional performance indicator be written to show progress toward mastery of the standard?
• Can this standard be considered appropriate if communication modes are expanded to include modified input and output tools (for example, communication boards, sign language, pictorial representation)?
Movement Opportunities Via Education (M.O.V.E.)
MOVE is an activity-based curriculum designed to teach students basic functional motor skills needed for adult life in home and community environments. It combines natural body mechanics with an instructional process designed to help students acquire increased amounts of independence necessary to sit, stand and walk.