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Connections at Saddleback College Adult Transition Program


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Stephanie Strietbeck

Thank you for visiting the Connections at Saddleback College Adult Transition Program (ATP) webpage. Our mission is to utilize the college campus environment and local community to prepare students with disabilities from the ages of 18-22 years to meet their postsecondary goals. 

The ATP Program is designed to help students move with maximum success from school to post school placement in community and integrated work settings. The program uses an interagency collaborative approach to link students with appropriate support services prior to school exit. We also work closely with our local school districts to ensure students get a quality education that is individualized to their needs.

Connections​ at Saddleback College ATP work experience training sites provide students with learning opportunities to acquire vocational skills, assess strengths and determine work preferences.  Our staff of highly trained teachers and related service providers strive to address the unique learning needs of each student. Additionally, home-school communication and collaboration support student learning and generalization of skills. 

OCDE Connections provide a stellar program to students with disabilities, and it is my privilege to work with our students, their families, as well as with this group of dedicated and caring professionals. 

Stephanie Strietbeck, Principal, Connections