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School Safety

It is the policy of the Orange County Department of Education to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students in a courteous and professional setting. We hold each other and ourselves accountable for the highest resource management and professional conduct. Each of our sites maintains a Disaster Preparedness Plan that is updated on a regular basis and reflects the policies of the Orange County Department of Education. Key elements of the plan include monthly safety drills, crisis intervention plans, behavior and medical emergency drills. Disaster Plans are coordinated as much as possible with the host district where OCDE programs are housed. Each year the sites have a mandatory staff development schedule which includes the review of site Disaster Plans to assure that staff is versed on the emergency plans and responsibilities for the safety, health and supervision of students during an emergency situation. Mandatory Staff Development includes Child Abuse Reporting, Communicable Disease Transmission, Proper Lifting Procedures, Blood Pathogens, Seizure Intervention and Care and site-specific safety issues.