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Attendance and Records

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Contact Attendance and Records

For General Questions:
Phone: (714) 547-9972
Fax: (714) 327-0387
​​ Important: 
  • ​Enrollment packets and forms MUST be downloaded and saved to a device before completing.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to download and save the packet and forms.
  • To download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader please click here.
  • ​Los paquetes y formularios de inscripción DEBEN descargarse y guardarse en un dispositivo electrónico antes de completarlos.
  • Se requiere Adobe Acrobat Reader para descargar y guardar el paquete y los formularios.
  • Para descargar e instalar Adobe Acrobat Reader, haga click aquí​.

Student Enrollment​ Forms & FAQs

Student Transcripts​ Requests​​

​STEP 1: Complete the Transcript Request Form
STEP 2: Send the completed form to ACCESS Attendance & Records

​STEP 3: Requests are usually completed within 7-10 business days. A member of our team will communicate with you if it will take longer. 

GED Testing Information

  • ​Ph: (877) 392-6433​

HiSET Testing Information

  • Ph: (844) 562-0512​