Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) is the expansion of the state’s mixed delivery system to meet the early education needs of 3 and 4-year-old children and their families, including Transitional Kindergarten (TK) which will be available for free to all 4-year-olds by 2025-2026.
UPK is an essential part of transforming California’s schools and giving every student in California a great start.
OCDE Early Learning offers professional learning opportunities and technical assistance services to support the implementation of high quality preschool and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs in school districts, charter schools, early learning and care programs.
- Preschool to Third Grade (P-3) Continuum
- UPK Leadership Network
- October 2, 2024; January 8, 2025; March 5, 2025; May 7, 2025
- TK Principal Institute
- TK Teacher Essentials Professional Learning Series:
- Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- Understanding and Supporting Four Year Olds
- CPIN Preshool/TK Learning Foundations Introduction
- TK Diving Deeper Professional Learning Series:
- TK Classroom Environments
- Calm Down Kits
- Meaningful Child-Adult Interactions
- UPK Information Overviews and Office Hours
- UPK Planning and Implementation Support
Program Contacts