Health education is a powerful, comprehensive, theory-driven, evidence-based platform from which to educate, inform, and empower youth to make well-informed health decisions that lead to positive practices that promote a lifetime of good physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
High quality, Standards-based Health education is centered on building skills and increasing Health Literacy for all students. Health Literacy, as defined by the World Health Organization, is the cognitive and social skills, which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information and services in ways which promote and maintain good health.
Health Education includes Six Content Areas:
The Eight Overarching Health Education Standards:
Standard 1: Essential Health Concepts
Standard 2: Analyzing Health Influences
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Health Information
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
Standard 5: Decision Making
Standard 6: Goal Setting
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
Standard 8: Health Promotion

What we teach in Health Education:
Guidance on how to teach the standards:
Check out
this short video - your two-minute primer - on the
Health Education Framework.
Supports for Districts and Schools:
California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA): For more information on CHYA and Comprehensive Sexual Health Education, please contact Dareen Khatib 714-327-1083.
OC Health Education Leadership Network: The Orange County Health Education Leadership Network is a professional learning network for school district administrators, teachers, and staff providing Health Education instruction or health and prevention related support services. Our mission is to provide professional and peer-level support to help school districts and schools implement standards-based Health Education curriculum and instruction and related prevention programming and services, while integrating new Health Education-related mandates and initiatives. This includes comprehensive grade level Health Education, mandated Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE), Social-Emotional Learning, Violence Prevention, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, as well as other state and regional health-related educational initiatives. Participants include district and school level administrators, teachers teaching health education, school nurses and counselors supporting health education efforts, wellness leads, and other school and community based team members supporting the health and wellbeing of students.
For more information and/or to join the network and gain access to various professional learning opportunities, please contact Dareen Khatib 714-327-1083.
If you would like to request health education related training/workshops/presentations/professional learning, please contact Dareen Khatib 714-327-1083.