The Orange County Friday Night Live Partnership (OCFNLP) program engages young people in prevention activities on school campuses and in community-based organizations. Under the guidance of an advisor, youth focus on making an impact in the areas of substance abuse prevention and other concerns that affect their schools and communities.

The program encourages young people to take responsibility by creating and coordinating activities and service projects that benefit their peers, schools, and communities. This youth-driven model develops 21st century competencies in the areas of leadership, communication, team building, and problem solving. In addition to building a stronger connection among youth, significant adults, and their communities, these important skills prepare students for college and careers.
OCFNLP consists of three programs:
Friday Night Live (FNL) for high school-age youth
Club Live (CL) for middle school-age youth
Friday Night Live Kids (FNL Kids) for upper elementary-age youth
here to view the program overview video created by the Orange County Youth Council.