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Family Engagement

Family Engagement

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Engaging and partnering with parents, guardians, and families are important to provide support for youth, increase protective factors, and reduce tobacco use. ​ Each school/district will disseminate family resources quarterly; host one school-wide anti-tobacco family outreach activity annually; and host one family workshop (during the 3-year grant cycle).​​ ​


TUPE Family Resources One-pager

​​A comprehensive guide for parents and families highlighting available resources, support services, ​and key information to help navigate conversations about youth substance use and prevention. 

Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Arabic


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What You Need to Know About Vaping (TECC)

​​​​​​​​​Comprehensive fact sheet that covers important information regarding vaping. Educates readers on what vaping devices, pods, and e-liquids are. Addresses flavors, nicotine addiction, and potential harm. Raises awareness for vaping prevalence among teens and provides talking points for parents or educators to engage teens in supportive conversation.

Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Arabic

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E-Cigarettes and Youth What Parents Need to Know (CDC)

​​​​​​A CDC guide for parents and families about the components of e-cigarettes, the prevalence of use among youth, and the harmful effects of vaping. 

Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Arabic

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Let's Talk Tobacco: Conversation Starters

​​​Start the conversation about tobacco and vaping today. These conversation starters can help parents and caregivers start the conversation with their students.

Languages: English/Spanish, English​/Vietnamese, English/Korean​

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Let's Talk Cannabis

​​​​​You can help prevent underage use by starting the conversation about cannabis with youth in your life, and make sure they are aware of potential consequences. Here are some important facts you should know about cannabis and some tips for talking to youth​.

Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Arabic

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How To Talk To Your Kids About Vaping

​​​​​The American Lung Association (ALA) developed an article called: "How to Talk to Your Kids About Vaping." It shares information about how households can begin ​conversations with youth about smoking and vaping, and ways to establish a smoke-free home.​

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CATCH My Breath: Parent Resources

​​​CATCH My Breath has a collection of parent resources, including a presentation and educational materials specifically designed for parents and families to stay informed. These resources are also available en Español​​.

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