Jane Doney, Administrator
Phone: (714) 966-4044
Jina Poirier, Coordinator
Phone: (714) 836-3390
Holly Farrell, Assessment Coordination Tech.
Phone: (714) 836-3398
Fax: (714) 835-3861
Michele Bentley, Assessment Coordination Tech.
Phone: (714) 836-3386
Fax: (714) 662-8795
Jennifer Barada, Testing Specialist
(714) 835-2776
Jacqueline Newman, Program Specialist, Reading Intervention
Phone: (714) 245-6766
Brennan Dann, Program Specialist, Math Intervention
Phone: (714) 245-6489
The ACCESS Assessment and Accountability Office coordinates the administration of all annual state mandated tests for ACCESS students. The staff trains administrators, teachers, and support personnel to administer all tests to students and then provides test result reports to students, parents, and stakeholders.
The ACCESS Assessment and Accountability Office also provides data on all state mandated tests to administrators and teachers of ACCESS regions for utilization in developing academic and instructional plans to impact student academic growth and success leading to college and career readiness.
Site Contact Information
601 South Lewis St.
Orange, CA 92868
(714) 835-2776
CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
Overview and Testing Information
- Smarter Balanced Assessment in English and Mathematics
Science Assessment
Early Assessment Program (EAP)
Overview and Testing Information
California High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
Effective July 1, 2020, ACCESS will no longer operate a public HiSET testing center. For information on the HiSET, including their new "test at home" option and testing centers, please visit the official
HiSET webpage.