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English Learner Instruction


English Language Development (ELD) 

In order to ensure ACCESS ELs achieve proficiency in English, all Beginning-Early Advanced level ELs are enrolled in an ELD course corresponding to their overall English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)​ proficiency level:

​ELD Courses:

ELD Level 1A # 2608
ELD Level 1B # 2609
ELD Level 2A # 2610
ELD Level 2B # 2611
ELD Level 3A # 2612
ELD Level 3B # 2613
ELD Level 4A # 2614
ELD Level 4B # 2615

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Designated ELD
ELD Curriculum for Long-Term ELs​

​ACCESS’ ELD curriculum for Long-Term ELs supports ELs’ language development addressing the two major com​ponents of California’s 2012 ELD standards: I. Interacting in Meaningful Ways and II. Learning about How English Works. The ELD curriculum consists of six, two-month-long functions throughout the year:  




Explain & Describe


Sequencing Events


College & Career Readiness


Proposition & Support

September- October

Compare & Contrast


Cause & Effect




Each function revolves around an essential question that is relevant to ACCESS students.
Sample function: College & Career Readiness

Integr​ated ELD
Constructing Meaning (CM)™​

To ensure that ACCESS ELs learn to comprehend and produce academic English in all content areas, ACCESS has implemented an approach called Constructing Meaning​. ACCESS CM trainers support teachers in their use of CM strategies and tools to help ELs meet the rigor of the Common Core State Standards.
