| We are a team of educators who strive to empower P-12 students through rich mathematical experiences. Our charge is to support communities in the development of a mathematically literate society by studying, understanding, and fostering practices grounded in research to improve math teaching and learning.
We custom-design professional learning experiences to meet the needs of your organization. Educators develop content and pedagogical knowledge while engaging in tasks and activities that can be implemented in classrooms the next day! |
EventsOur team sponsors learning opportunities and events for a variety of audiences. Want to know more about Next Generation Assessments or Using Technology in the Math Classroom? See what's coming up! | We offer consulting services to support districts and school sites in identifying critical needs, formulating a plan, and developing tools and understanding to improve student achievement.
| We are dedicated to fostering rich mathematical learning experiences for students P-12. We value collaborative learning and the need to expand beyond our four walls. We partner with districts and organizations to support teacher and student learning.
"The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers." ~ Maryam Mirzazkhani, Fields Medal Winner
Implementing California State Standards in MathSince the adoption of the new state standards in 2010, our system has been in a state of transition. Let our knowledgeable team help you develop a transition plan, with all that it entails: change in expectations, the meaning of fluency in mathematics, and incorporating promising practices that will yield results.
Curriculum With the adoption of the California State Standards in 2010 comes a need for teachers and students to have access to high-quality curriculum that are aligned with the standards. We can help you think about what this looks like in your district or school. |
Curriculum Materials- We can help you through the curriculum adoption process, building background knowledge of the selection team and developing a lens for reviewing and selecting materials. Once you've selected materials, we can help you plan and adapt your materials to ensure students have access to the full depth of the content and practice standards.
Curriculum Pacing GuidesHow is the Focus of the standards, the major work at each grade level, reflected in your curriculum guide? Is 65-85% of instructional time dedicated to major work? We can help you align your curriculum pacing plan with the focus of the standards. |
DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL CAPACITYAt the center of the services we provide is the philosophy to support districts in the development and capacity of their teachers, instructional leaders, and key administrators. |
Teaching & LearningOur focus on teaching and learning is central to everything we do. We believe children are sense-makers and bring intuitive knowledge to their classrooms. Through the development of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge for teaching, and understanding student thinking, our goal is for all students to be mathematically proficient. We customize learning experiences around California State Standards by building an understanding of the concepts and progressions of Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Fractions, and Ratios and Proportions. We facilitate workshops including:
• Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)
- • FactsWise
- • Number Talks
- • Number Strings
- • Orchestrating Productive Discussions
Instructional LeadersOur custom-built services can meet the needs of your leadership team. We can help you develop and implement a plan to support the learning of coaches, teacher leaders, and administrators. Each of these stakeholder groups can support mathematics teaching and learning at a district, site, and classroom level. Effective implementation entails the development of coaching skills, systems, and structures to support and assess implementation, and the facilitation of ongoing site-embedded professional learning. Our team can help identify and develop any of these areas of need.
- • Do you have a team of newly designated coaches and TOSAs?
• Are principals looking for ways to support teachers? • Do you have a group of teacher leaders whose expertise you would like to build upon?
AssessmentsHow does your district assessment plan, including assessments within curriculum materials, district benchmarks, and other assessments support students and teachers in reaching 21st-century expectations? |
SBAC - How familiar is your instructional community with SBAC Claims, Targets, and Depth of Knowledge (DOK)? Are your district assessments aligned with the expectations set forth by SBAC?Members of our team work closely with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.
- Work includes:
-Setting achievement levels
- -Refining performance tasks
- -Reviewing assessment items
- -Development of materials for the Digital Library
Formative AssessmentsHow is formative assessment informing instructional decisions in real-time and in sequential lessons? We can help build assessment literacy, create systems, structures, and tools for collecting, managing, and using data, and engaging in a continuous improvement cycle.
Areas of exploration include: • Designing learning goals • Use of common formative assessment • Use of rubrics • Effective use of feedback (for student learning and teacher learning) • Fostering student capacity to set goals and monitor progress
Summative AssessmentsHow closely do the summative assessments used by the district at various levels align with the expectations outlined by the California State Standards?
Areas of focus include: • District Benchmark Assessments • Course Assessments • Unit Level Assessments |
Contact Vanessa Cerrahoglu