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"As part of a balanced and comprehensive assessment system, assessment for learning and assessment of learning are both important. While assessment(s) of learning usually involve a tool or event after a period of learning, assessment for learning is a process. Evidence-gathering strategies that are truly formative yield information that is timely and specific enough to assist learning as it occurs."  ELA/ELD Framework Ch. 8 Assessment

Resources to support assessments:

Screening Tools Chart - Center on Response to Intervention ​Information about annual reviews of screening tools by the Center's Technical Review Committee.
Ongoing Student Assessment - RTI Action Network​Articles on universal screening, progress monitoring and data-based decision making.
ELA/ELD Framework Ch. 8 - Assessment​This chapter of the ELA/ELD Framework describes the scope of assessment and its skilled use to support student achievement.
Teachers College Reading & Writing Project - Running Records, Foundational Assessments and Benchmarks  ​Assessment tools and resources at Teachers College Reading & Writing Project at Columbia University.
National Center on Intensive Intervention - Assessment Tools Charts
Select 'Tools Charts' to obtain academic and behavioral assessment resources.


What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guides:

Using Student Data to Support Instructional Decision Making​Five recommendations to help educators effectively use data to monitor students' academic progress and evaluate instructional practices.