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Orange County
Department of Education
Department of
Our students have a variety of academic strengths and needs. Although many of our students are successful with universal instruction, also known as best-first teaching, ALL of our students deserve to be supported by a Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction in order to remain engaged and reach their full potential. For SOME of our students, a supplemental, temporary intervention is necessary to provide more focused instruction which is directed to specific learning needs. A FEW of our students require intensive interventions, therefore, it is crucial to utilize research-based instructional practices with the goal of accelerating student progress so they can return and be successful in the core instructional program. MTSS Academic Interventions serves as a resource to support ALL students in the academic setting. Aligned to a Multi-Tiered System of Support framework, information is provided on evidence-based resources and instructional strategies in the areas of reading, writing, and math. To further support educators, valid and reliable assessment tools, professional learning, and resources are also located here. To remain up to date, please join our MTSS Academic Interventions Contact List