Child Find is a set of activities used to identify children from birth to 21 years old who may need special education programs and services. Schools are required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth through age 21.
The Child Find mandate applies to all children who reside within a State, including children who attend private schools and public schools, highly mobile children, migrant children, homeless children, and children who are wards of the state.
Every SELPA and school district is required to have procedures in place to help locate students who may need special education services, and each public school site within the SELPA has information on how to initiate a referral for special education services. If your child is not in a special education program and you suspect there is a disability, please contact your child's teacher or principal to discuss your concerns. A student may be referred by parents, teachers, and other school staff members, doctors, agency staff, or others.
- If you suspect your child has a disability, and your child is younger than 2 years 10 months of age, please contact the Regional Center of Orange County at 714-796-5100 for an intake interview.
- If your child is preschool age (starting at 2 years 10 months), please contact your district's Special Education Department.
- If your child is school age (TK and up), please contact the principal at your child's public school of residence to discuss your concerns. As a result of discussions about your concerns, your child may be referred to the Student Study Team (SST) or Student Intervention Team (SIT) for additional review. The SST/SIT includes representatives from general education and special education staff who review student profgess and suggest interventgions and strategies to assist students within the general education program. It is highly recommended a SST/SIT meet to review a student's progress prior to developing an assessment plan for suspected disabilities.
District Special Education Departments
Buena Park School District: (714) 736-4257
Fullerton School District: (714) 447-7500
Fullerton Joint Union High School District: (714) 870-2841
La Habra City School District: (562) 690-2311
Lowell Joint School District: (562) 902-4275
District Websites
Buena Park School District
Fullerton School District
Fullerton Joint Union High School District
La Habra City School District
Lowell Joint School District
Orange County Department of Education - Special Education Services
Public Notices
2025 Public Notice
2024 Public Notice
2023 Public Notice
2022 Public Notice
2021 Public Notice
2020 Public Notice
2019 Public Notice