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Secondary GLAD®

The Secondary GLAD® pilot model attends to the complex needs of middle school and high school emergent bilingual students, some of which may be entering into secondary settings as long-term English learners (LTELs), newcomers or refugee students.  Secondary practitioners need to attend to all students' needs while adhering to unique scheduling factors.  Interweaving the salient language acquisition strategies identified within the OCDE Project GLAD® model and targeting the rigorous, accelerated demands of content comprehension, this model is designed to accelerate language proficiency while attending to the whole child and identity of a secondary student. 


Building content and disciplinary language in Secondary settings can be tough! Genise Battaglia and Wendy Osborn, Westminster School District OCDE Project GLAD® Tier III Trainers, show how with low prep, you can still have high impact. Watch as real classroom examples come to life in these three webinars.​

Produced by Jennifer Salas for the Orange Unified School District.

For additional resources, please go to Project GLAD® NTC Website