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Previous CAC Presentations

​​​2021- 2022 School Year
2021-2022 CAC Presentations​
September 2021 - Make-it and Take-it Project
                                 Presentation Recording (English)
                                 Presentation Recording (Spanish)
                                 Presentation Recording (Japanese)
​                                 Presentation
November 2021 - Transitions: Middle to High School to Adult Transition Program
                                 Presentation Recording (English)
                                 Presentation Recording (Spanish)
January 2022 - Student Success Stories: Where Are They Now?
                                 Presentation Recording (English)
                                 Presentation Recording (Spanish)
                                 Presentation - L'Arche Wavecrest
                                 Presentation - Student Success Stories
March 2022 - From Crisis to Surviving to Thriving
                                  Presentation Recording (English)
                                  Presentation Recording (Spanish)
April 2022 - Annual Budget and Annual Service Plan Review
                                 2022-2023 Annual Budget and Annual Service Plan
2020- 2021 School Year​​​​​​​​​
2020-2021 CAC Presentation
​August 2020 - Managing Meltdowns
​​                               Presentation Recording


September 2020 - Make-it and Take-it Project
                                Presentation Record​ing​
​                                Presentation​​​​​​​​​​​​
October 2020 - From Crisis to Surviving to Thriving
​ ​                               Presentation Re​cording (English)​
                                Presentation Recording (Spanish)​
​                                Handout​
November 2020 - Transitions: Middle to High School​
​​                                 Presentation Recording​ (English)​
                                 Presentation Recording (Spanish)​
                                 Handout - Requirements to Obtain a High School Diploma Only
                                 Handout - Requirements for Admission to a 4-Year College​
January 2021 - Transitions: Middle to High School Part 2​
                                  Presentation Recording (English)​
                                  Presentation Recording (Spanish)
January 2021 - Mental Health Resources
                                  Presentation Recording (English)
                                  Presentation Recording (Spanish)
​                                  Presentation
                                  Resource Links​​
                                        California Surgeon Gene​ral's Pl​aybook: Stress Relief for Caregivers and Kids
                                         FJUHSD Virtual Calming Room
                                         National Parent Helpline
                                         Regio​nal Center Comfort Connection Family Resource Center​
                                         Child Mind Institute
February 2021 - Parent Support Panel
                                   Presentation Recording (English)
                                   Presentation Recording (Spanish)
                                   ​Presentations and Resources
                                           ​Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC)​
                                           ​        ​RCOC Services for School-Age Children
                                                   RCOC Services for Adults
                                                   Virtual Library​
                                            ​Thompson Policy Institute
                       ​                     State Council on Developmental Disabilites
                                                    Orange County Resources
                                             ​Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)​
May 2021 - Looking Ahead to 2021-2022​
                                   Presentation Recording (English)​
                                   Presentation Recording (Spanish)
                                   ​CAC Board Members​
                                   2021-2022 CAC Presentations
2019- 2020 School Year