Otto A. Fischer school program, located within Orange County Juvenile Hall
Orange County Department of Education provides schooling for incarcerated youth in the custody of Orange County Juvenile Hall.
Students enrolled in the Otto A. Fischer school program are taught on a school campus under the supervision of Orange County Department of Education ACCESS teachers, with the support of Orange County Probation staff. The school day has a minimum of 240 minutes of class time. Under probation guidance and supervision, Fischer students rotate classes to meet with multiple teachers and classmates throughout the day. Class size is small and separated based on student gender. Students have supervised access to a school library or library cart, outside physical education class, one-on-one academic support from Paraeducators or tutors and mental health services.
331 City Drive South
Orange, CA 92868
Phone (714) 935-7651
Fax (714) 935-6339
Transition Specialists
Sherine Solano, Title I Senior Transition Specialist
Otto A. Fischer school program, Student Last Names A-L
(714) 935-7353
Janis Servin, Title I Senior Transition Specialist
Otto A. Fischer school program, Student Last Names M-Z
(714) 935-7350
Family Community Liaisons
Adriana Schisler, Title I Family Community Liaison
Otto A. Fischer school program
(714) 935-7352
School Counselor
Patricia Tejeda
Otto A. Fischer school program
(714) 935-7652
Additional Resources
Student Transition for Education and Parent Particpation
Otto A. Fischer's Award Winning Librarian
Operation Study Hall
Orange County Probation Information for Juvenile Hall
Path to Graduation: A Student's Story