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OC Census Virtual Visual and Performing Arts Showcase


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Census Virtual VAPA Showcase.jpg
​Because the pandemic has limited Census canvassing, many Orange County residents have yet to be counted. Census funding supports schools, healthcare, transportation and emergency services, as well as, distributes the number of government representatives throughout the United States. Through the Making My​ Community Count: OC Census Virtual Visual and Performing Arts Showcase, students learn about the importance of the Census and activate communities to participate in Census 2020 through social media.

We would like to Congratulate the winners of the 2020 Making My Community Count: OC Census Virtual Visual and Performing Arts Showcase:

  • Rachel Lee (Garden Grove Unified School District)
  • Elyana Ortiz (Anaheim Elementary School District)
  • Tea Takayama (Garden Grove Unified School District)
  • Felipe Tellez (Ocean View School District)
  • Zachary Tran (Garden Grove St. Columban School)
  • Jocelyn Yu (Garden Grove Unified School District)

​To view the 2020 Making My Community Count: OC Census Virtual Visual and Performing Arts Showcase Ceremony video, click here​.

​​Student Artwork

Kate Guerrero
​​​​A2R_1kHvprJuG69vwsU_• We all count •.png
​Charlene Nguyen
Jocelyn Yu
A6 - R_3fcsNls0FeF8HdS_83946C43-6351-4CFC-976A-5324AAAE9CBF.png
​Kelly Tran​
A8 - R_12EEO6Timj0McI5_B11B0E2A-1A32-4869-ABBF-D0FF318D9C22.png 

Derek Cerda
A9 - R_82JojgiVb2QJB8l_79696CE2-78CA-4CA3-9E5A-460A2033A9C2.jpeg
​Rachel Lee​​

Valeria Delgado
A11 - R_OpbftbGRposvjYl_426F2773-D22F-4EBB-8BD7-326D6A074922.png
Eric Burmaster

Joseph Oh​
A1 - R_qJf7fGa2LbMUD0R_스크린샷 2020-06-02 오후 5.20.10.png
​Keaton Safu
B1 - 123456.jpg
​Kyla Jackson
B2  -          R_1imsx27zovNWfjq_3F16405F-4302-4AEB-8DF5-5413B34A1800.png
​Meena Cho

Shannon Nguyen
B4             - R_1NaZbEuiiQPNF1s_Census2020.png
Melanie Alba
B5 - R_2V2YJ1hJMGgkLk7_inbound2032297575429849295.jpg
Kim Wymer
B6 - R_2CxKmJo9vtUENsO_DC9EFB44-1ABC-44E6-90C1-91D432617947.png
Felipe Tellez

​Tea Takayama
B8 - R_10pf0OCNeFFWpgl_7A76C115-95FC-4449-9821-71AF0E55F250.png
Jessica Ha
B9 - R_r3e3sLvt5QS0RVL_AD4B753D-EF85-4F76-B562-AA8ECCC6391C.png
Katie Moore​
​Elyana Ortiz
C1 - R_1jJNNCnbqNtYcMU_Screenshot_20200602-165401_Instagram.jpg 

​Trisha Alcaraz
C2 - R_2afASkAUrtffh6B.jpeg 

Jayden Gutierrez​

​​Chenumi ​Mapatunage
C6 - R_2EdiCUnjULm0ueS_1589830069378-20086708-3cb0-4d7d-a695-03853d044f21.jpg
​Rosalie Ventura
C7 - R_3gXinYJLuUmcHUw_EE91E4DE-18A0-4203-8281-034E8241E207 - Tiks Adventures (1).jpg
Zachary Tran
(GG - St. Columban School)​

​​Kimberly Kamau

​Sophia Franco
C10 - R_oXIRPwnApQQ3aut_20200521_184342.jpg
Benjamin Gillett​
D8 - R_2QtBQhxiuW2IEHx_consus.jpg

​Klara Jones
C3 - R_2xK2YB3fK2ySGxz_Census.jpg
Oskar Castro
C5 - R_2duqSXauPUPhg86.jpg

​​Gavin Orozco
Gavin Orozco.jpg

OC_logo.jpg  UnitedWayLogo.png    OCCensusLogo1.jpg       ArtsOClogo25th.jpg
