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Charter School Oversight

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Orange County Department of Education is committed to transparency in its oversight practices and encourages charter schools to communicate with their assigned charter school coordinator to discuss concerns, ask questions and receive ongoing feedback and technical assistance. 

​After the Orange County Board of Education approves a charter school petition, the Charter Schools Unit works with the school's administration to monitor school performance per state and federal law, Orange County Board of Education policies, the Agreement and the school's charter.​

​Charter school over​sigh​​t encompasses the following categories:

  1. ​​Educational Program and Student Achievement 

  2. Governance and Operations

  3. Budget and Finance

  4. Fidelity to the school's charter petition

​Staff annually conducts at least one scheduled charter school site visit, including classroom observations, teacher and staff interviews, facilities inspection and records reviews. Additionally, the team reviews charter school​ policies and procedures, Local Control Accountability Plans, educational data, teacher credentials and financial operations.​​​​​​​

The links below offer information on the annual oversight school visit. 


Annual Oversight Visit Guide

Annual Oversight Report 2023-24

Facility Inspection Tool

Health and Safety Facility Check

​​​​​Last reviewed: August 2023